Unlike scrolls, Spell Tomes will spawn at earlier levels: Novice and Apprentice will spawn from level 1, Journeyman from level 6, Expert from level 11, and Master tomes from 16. A few of the more powerful new spells have been balanced with slightly detrimental effects (such as Sun Damage) to lower the magicka cost. Some of the new spells use previously unavailable effects, such as Fortify Skill, Resist Disease, Resist Paralysis, Resist Poison, Stunted Magicka, Resist Frost, and Summon Bear. The tomes range in power and include both new and existing spells.
They can be found in any container where scrolls may be generated (listed at Finding Scrolls). Once the download is installed, spell tomes will have a roughly 1 in 4 chance of randomly appearing in place of a scroll.